Social Marketing vs Social Networking. Thoughts from a St. Louis PR Firm

Social marketing or social networking? Many clients are talking about all things social. Friends and colleagues are interested as well. Amidst the endless attention and hours spent on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, many don’t seem to understand the difference between “social marketing” and “social networking”. Here’s my take… Social marketing is part of an overall…

Can PR Survive Without Newspapers?

The closure of many local newspapers, and the downsizing of many others, begs the question…Can Public Relations survive without the newspaper industry? Surely the practice of Public Relations is more than just publicity and media relations. It’s many facets include employee relations, event planning, corporate communications, speech writing etc. Most PR pros understand that and…

So What’s The Plan?

Any PR professional will tell you it’s crucial to have a public relations plan before embarking on any type of campaign. Ideally, depending on budget, the plan should involve research, programming, action steps and of course evaluation. Yet, how many times have PR pros heard business owners bellow out, “Hey, PR guy, no one knows…