The Secret is destined to be the most successful personal development book/audio book/DVD ever sold.
The incredible publicity the book and its author have received is something most public relations practitioners can only drool over.
Oprah, CBS News, CNN and Newsweek have all discussed it, debated it and written about it. Many claim it is the new found “fountain of success”.
In case you’re one of the few people on the planet who still haven’t heard about it, the book focuses on the “power of attraction” to get whatever you want from life. Think positively about that Lexus automobile or diamond necklace. Focus on it and by George you’ll get it.
Unfortunately there’s no mention of associating hard work, study and innovative thought with those desires. In fact, a lot of what is discussed is nothing new.
Years ago I was listening to some cassette tapes narrated by Brian Tracy, a motivational and business speaker, He talked about the power of attraction on those very recordings. I was totally fascinated with his views on success. One day I was at a radio station with a client taping an interview when in pops someone carrying about 20 Brian Tracy cassette albums.
I asked the person if he worked with Brian Tracy and if Tracy was coming to St. Louis to do a seminar. The person said yes he is. Excitedly I volunteered to do whatever public relations work that person needed in exchange for the opportunity to see Brian in person.
The Tracy representative saw some results and liked our work. In fact he hired us to promote the next seminar in Cincinnati, thank goodness for fees not tickets. That went well and soon we were promoting these programs in various cities throughout the United States. Other seminar promoters also heard about our work and hired us too.
Needless to say the one encounter with the Brian Tracy representative turned out to be worth thousands of dollars over time. Truly the power of attraction.
The real secret of The Secret is in the marketing. Take something that already exists, embellish it, package it in something that looks like The Da Vinci Code, garner a few thousand disciples and create a glitzy DVD. Then get on Oprah. Do that and you too will amass all the fame and fortune you deserve.