For a company to flourish and grow, especially a start-up and mid-stage company, it should utilize all the PR it can to gain traction in the industry and its key markets. Using St. Louis PR multimedia successfully will help to capture the attention of a large number of prospects and clients to achieve business results that produce long-term success.
8 Reasons Why Public Relations in St. Louis is Beneficial for Early and Mid-Stage Companies
From raising social media awareness to lead generation and crisis management, there are several reasons why you should use PR, no matter what area of growth your company is in, and even for established businesses.
#1. Attract Investors.
Placing the right media at the correct times can attract the attention of investors to your business. You need to have the right messaging and strategy to increase your credibility as a potentially lucrative and more importantly, a stable investment target for prospective investors. This is especially important for start-up businesses and mid-stage companies.
#2. Generates Business Leads.
When you have an effective PR campaign, it can generate business leads for you to improve your business outcomes. Having several targeted media outlets will make your business more visible to prospective new clients. With a unique integration schedule of PR and the addition of digital marketing, you can create opportunities to develop and then convert high-quality assets of content, such as data studies and white papers, and turn these items into lead generation machines of great value.
#3. Recruiting Talent.
PR companies not only attract new clients, and businesses while increasing revenues, but they also attract new talent to companies. If your business is established as a thought leader in your industry, it will increase your profile as seen by the best and brightest talent in the field. You can easily be thought of as the company with a great reputation to attract the most sought-after employees, as well. This strategy can help you to accelerate the growth curve of your business.
#4. Staff Retention.
Any type of firm can tell you that employee turnover is a very serious threat. A great PR goal and strategy can boost employee morale and thereby improve staff retention. When you suddenly lose one of your best and most talented employees to another competitor that may be offering them just a bit more money, it can leave you in a lurch and set back your business’s progress exponentially. Incorporating leadership opportunities will increase the sense of pride and give your employees a sense of belonging and being heard. Social media campaigns create a sense of pride among your employees as a team, and it can help them to decide to remain with your company as devoted employees with new ideas and team pride.
#5. Reduction of Costs.
When your PR is integrated with other marketing tactics in a digital approach, it can actually save you a lot of costs. Anything that improves your bottom line is very attractive indeed. A mix of campaigns including owned, earned, and paid media gives you a great impact at a lowered cost than if you use a siloed approach.
#6. Managing Staff Hours.
Most B2B companies that are growing outsource their PR to experienced agencies. PR firms in St. Louis have the industry contacts as well as the expertise to achieve the best results possible for your business. You can also manage your staff hours better by outsourcing your PR instead of tying up your marketing staff constantly. This allows your marketers to focus on other things that might be more useful and important while using fewer hours and costing you less in payroll.
#7. Improve Message Clarity.
A carefully planned public relations plan will produce a crystal clear vision of the key messages from your company and your brand identity. There are many ways to amplify your key messages through a PR firm, and they can help you develop the right messages to carry across all your digital marketing efforts and your PR approach at once.
#8. Attracting Acquirers.
If you are at the point in your business plan where you want to be acquired by a larger firm, then PR is an absolute must and not just a good idea. Your visibility in all the media outlets, as well as your online presence will attract the attention of potential acquirers because they generally rely on the media’s sources in the industry to find the best acquisition targets.
So, to the question of why successful businesses use multimedia public relations, there are many valid and important reasons, all of which help you to grow your company and become an industry leader, which is the goal for all businesses. At Soloman Turner, as your top St. Louis PR firm, we have the media connections, resources, and experience to help you take your business to the next level of success. Contact us to discuss your integrated PR strategy and plan to deliver business improvement to you today!