Earlier I wrote about green becoming the new black with the media.
Just this Sunday, Lee Enterprises, who publishes the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and other newspapers, ran an entire special section entitled “Go Green”.
The section was full of ideas about going green at home, work and play. Some good tips for sure.
Interesting too the section was a combination of all Lee resources including some 51 daily newspapers and more than 300 weeklies.
Go Green had its fair share of local advertising as well. The section probably ran in most of Lee’s dailies. Check it out if you’re in one of those markets.
Other publishers probably have their own ideas about “green coverage” but this idea works well.
Green provides an excellent opportunity for public relations professionals to generate stories for clients. Businesses who fit into the conversation should find ample ways to publicize their efforts.
This should gain even more momentum as the upcoming election season moves into full swing, and the environment/global warming remaining a key area of focus.